Self-Awareness Tips

Read these 35 Self-Awareness Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Personal Growth tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How does my character affect my life?


Character really does count. The reason is simple: With character and integrity, you're going to do the right thing. And when you do the right thing, you have no guilt or regrets. With integrity you have nothing to fear because you have nothing to hide. Think about it for a moment. When you have taken both guilt and fear off your back, your are free to be the very best you can be, do the most you can do and have more of the good things that life has to offer.
- Zig Ziglar

Should I drink?


Drink plenty of water and natural juices, even if you don't feel thirsty. Alcohol and caffeine won't do the trick; they dehydrate body tissue.

How can I make my mornings less crazy?


Wake up each morning and do an internal check up. Before you jump out of bed and start running around, take a few moments to be with yourself and check-in with how you are feeling, what you are thinking, and where you are going.

How important are plants?


Remember that you can never too many plants. Plants (real or silk) add good Chi to any life station.

Should I tell her?

Open Up

By telling your spouse what is on your mind, you can eliminate stress and frustration.

What is feng shui?

Feng Shui Defined

Feng Shui translated, means "the way of wind & water" or "the natural
forces of the universe." These forces affect everything in our world. The ancient Chinese believed in and lived their lives by these natural forces. The Europeans call this science geomancy. The Hawaiians and the
Native Americans practice their own form of this science.

Is there such a thing as too much power?

Power Trip

Power tends to corrupt and
absolute power corrupts absolutely
-- Lord Acton

Are fans good?


Fans disperse energy. We recommend using the fans only when necessary. Fans will get the energy moving in the store and move your customers right out the front door. Also, if a blade of the fan points in the direction of the door when it is off, it will send the Chi of the store out the front door.

Should I love myself above all others?

Love yourself.

You can search throughout the entire universe for
someone who is more deserving of your love and
affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. you yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.
-- Buddha

How do I know if I have a hormonal imbalance?

Down in the Dumps

Feeling blue? It can be caused by a hormonal imbalance. Tell a doctor.

How can I get to know myself better?

Create A Space For Yourself.

It's very important to have a place or a time for yourself. Have fun creating a room or closet or some little corner that fills you with joy and feels like home. Spend time there everyday and enjoy who you are.

How can I get past my worry habit?

Write A Letter

Upset? Write a letter to a friend and express all your feelings. Don't worry. You don't have to send it. Just writing gets those feelings out.

Should I be in the heat?

Limit Exposure

Limit your exposure to high temperatures and strong sun; do strenuous activities in the cooler periods of morning and evening.

How can I be sure I can improve?


There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.
-- Aldous Huxley

How do I make time for me?

Remember You

You are more than a mom. Don't lose yourself in motherhood. Remember what you liked to do before becoming a mom and take time to do it. Schedule "me time".

What makes a winner?

Inner Power

I believe there is an inner power that makes winners or losers, and
the winners are the ones who really listen to the truths of their

What is all this talk about self-talk?

The Little Voice

Listen to the little voice inside of you. Learn to distinguish the voices behind your inner dialogues. Don't ignore your higher self.

Why should I forgive people?

Healing Our World

The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.
American lecturer and writer

How many times do I eat?

5 a day

Fruits and vegetables provide a variety of vitamins and minerals and may help fight disease. How is your intake?

This week is 5-A-Day week -- a very good time to evaluate how many servings of fruits and vegetables you consume each day. The 5-A-Day program was established to encourage Americans to improve eating habits to reduce the risk of disease.

Get your 5-A-Day by adding fruits and vegetables to salads, soups or casseroles. On sandwiches, try lettuce, pepper, tomato slices or even sliced eggplant in place of cheese. Eating fruit for snacks or in cereals can make it easy to obtain the servings you need.

Why should I find time to do things that I enjoy?

Find An Activity That Fills You With Joy.

When we do the things we love, we love the life we have and learn to love ourselves.

How do I arouse her?

Have hair-raising sex

There's a reason she likes it when you notice her new haircut: Hair is one of the ways women express their sexuality. Here's how to help:
-When you kiss her, brush the hair away from her face or run your fingers through it. "It's one of the most forgotten erogenous zones, which is a shame," says Lonnie Barbach, Ph.D., author of 50 Ways to Please Your Lover.
-And as you rub her back, spend some time on her scalp. Treat it as if you were washing her hair-use your fingertips to make firm circular movements on her head and neck.
-If she has long hair, encourage her to take the top and drape and brush it across your face and body during sex. Return the favor later. Use your shorter hair on her inner thighs to leave her tingling.
-As your arousal increases, rub her head, stroke her hair, or even pull it gently — or emphatically — depending on what she likes.

Why should I give thanks and to who?

Give Thanks.

Give thanks to the force that created you. However you name the force the created you, give thanks for who you are. When you give thanks, you acknowledge your beauty and have the ability to cherish yourself more and more.

Does driving help?

Take A Drive

A long drive can help you clear your head and relax. Wheel on!

What is a period?

First Period

A girl's first menstruation is called menarche. This is pronounced MEN-arc or MEN-arc-y. When a girl passes certain milestones in her development, but does not start having periods, this is called Primary Amenorrhea. This is pronounced A-men-or-rea or Ah-men-or-rea. The word primary is the part that means the girl has never had a period. The amenorrhea part means lack (a is Latin for none) of periods (menorrhea is Latin for "monthly flow"). This is to distinguish it from Secondary Amenorrhea, which is when a woman has had periods and then stops.

Why don´t other people know what I need?

Be Honest.

Be honest with others about your needs and boundries. Once you know what you need, let others know. Don't mix your messages. If you remain silent, there's a chance of disappointing yourself and others more than the truth ever could.

How do I cool down?

Cool Down

Have a place to cool down, whether at home, a local library or shopping mall, or an emergency government cooling center. Your body needs that cool break.

How do I discover who I am?

Leave the City of Your Comfort.

"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can't get there by bus, only by hard work, risking, and by not quite knowing what you're doing. What you'll discover will be wonderful -- yourself."
- Alan Alda

Does weight effect periods?

Weight and Periods

If you gained a few pounds lately and noticed your cycle has changed, call your doctor to see if there is any hormonal problem.

Are stairs good?


Stairways can be a very hazardous element. When walking down stairs, the electromagnetic field of a person moves out in front of the body, causing falls. This can be cured by placing a plant on either side of the stairs at the end.

What are the stations?


Feng Shui uses the Ba-qua (eight-sided) shape that relates to the eight stations of life: prosperity, relationships, helpful people, new knowledge, family, children, fame and career. If you practice Feng Shui, the world can be your oyster.

What about edges?

Cutting Edges

Cutting edges from display cabinets, columns, and protruding corners will cut and drain the energy of your employees and customers. In Diagram 2 notice how the energy of corner Cl directly intersects the position of the cash register, cutting the energy of both the employee makings the sale and the customer. The energy from corners C2 and C3 directly cut energy of everyone walking in the front door of the store. This cuts and drains energy of valued customers. The energies from C4 and C5 are cutting the fields of the customers as they shop. These are just a few examples of cutting edges in the store. Ideally every protruding corn should be cured." This includes corners from walls, cabinets, and columns. The more corners you treat, the more desirable the energy will be in the store. The "cures" are again very simple. Get out those red dots and place them on the corners. They need not be visible; you can place them near the floor or under a shelf covering or product.

Destiny just happens - why should I try to change that?


"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."
-William Jennings Bryan

How do I know if I should take a chance?

The Creator

"Man drives, but the Creator holds the reigns."
-- Jewish saying

Should I eat?

food in summer

Eat small amounts of food and cut back on proteins that can increase metabolic heat.

How can I be classy?


Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky. Class has nothing to do with money. Class never runs scared. It is self-discipline and self-knowledge. It's the sure footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life.
-- Ann Landers

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